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C 언어


by SpeeDr00t 2016. 7. 27.

PHP_STRLCPY(dst, src, size, src_size)

- 부제 : php7.0.6 소스 쪼개서 사용하기


// write by jang, kyoung chip
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

 * This is a fast version of strlcpy which should be used, if you
 * know the size of the destination buffer and if you know
 * the length of the source string.
 * size is the allocated number of bytes of dst
 * src_size is the number of bytes excluding the NUL of src

#define PHP_STRLCPY(dst, src, size, src_size)    \
        {                                        \
                size_t php_str_len;              \
                if (src_size >= size)            \
                        php_str_len = size - 1;  \
                else                             \
                        php_str_len = src_size;  \
                memcpy(dst, src, php_str_len);   \
                dst[php_str_len] = '\0';         \
        }                                        \

int main( int argc , char ** argv )
    const char * protocol  = "data://testest";
    char wrapper_name[32];

    memset( wrapper_name , 0x00 , sizeof(wrapper_name) );

    PHP_STRLCPY( wrapper_name , protocol, sizeof(wrapper_name) , strlen(protocol) );

    printf("\nwrapper_name = %s \n", wrapper_name );

return 0;


hacker@ubuntu:~/c$ ./php_strcpy 

wrapper_name = data://testest                   


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