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ethereum cold wallet 생성하기 ethereum cold wallet 생성하기 1. go언어 설치하기 http://speedr00t.tistory.com/entry/go-%EC%84%A4%EC%B9%98%EB%B6%80%ED%84%B0-hello-world-%EA%B9%8C%EC%A7%80ubuntu 2. 환경 설정 및 설치hacker@ubuntu:/usr/local/go$ ls api AUTHORS bin blog CONTRIBUTING.md CONTRIBUTORS hacker@ubuntu:/usr/local/go$ hacker@ubuntu:/usr/local/go$ hacker@ubuntu:/usr/local/go$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin hacker@ubuntu:/usr/local/go$ .. 2017. 9. 26.
go 설치부터 hello world 까지(ubuntu) go 설치부터 hello world 까지. 1. go 홈페이지 https://golang.org/dl/ 2. 설치 chmod 755 go.sh . go.sh 3. helloworld.go 소스 4. 결과 go run hello.go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsiTeAcBp6E 2017. 9. 26.
bithumb 거래소][ 이더리움 10초마다 opening price값 가져오기 bithumb 거래소][ 이더리움 10초마다 opening price값 가져오기 1. timer.py import threading import sys import locale from xcoin_api_client import * import pprint locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') class Cbithumb : def __init__(self) : print("Bithumb Public API URI('/public/ticker') Request..."); self.api_key = "api_connect_key"; self.api_secret = "api_secret_key"; self.api = XCoinAPI( self.api_key, self.api_secr.. 2017. 9. 14.
64bit 어셈블리 hello world 찍기 64bit 어셈블리 hello world 찍기 1. 환경설정 ■ nasm 설치sudo apt-get install nasm 2. hello world 찍기 ■ hello.asm 파일명으로 저장global _start ; entry point export for ld section .text _start: ; system call to write message to stdout mov rax, 1 ; sys_write mov rdi, 1 ; stdout mov rsi, mes ; message address mov rdx, len ; message length syscall ; exit sys call mov rax, 60 ; exit call id mov rdi, 0 ; return success sys.. 2017. 9. 12.