In our knowledge, Capstone has been used by 211 following products (listed in no particular order).
Unicorn: Lightweight multi-arch, multi-platform CPU emulator framework.
Keystone: Lightweight multi-arch, multi-platform assembler framework.
CEnigma: Web-based disassembler tool that is simple, easy, fast & user-friendly. (inactive now)
CEbot: A Twitter bot for binary-reversing right from Twitter account. (inactive now)
Camal: Coseinc automated malware analysis lab.
Radare2: Unix-like reverse engineering framework and commandline tools.
Pyew: a Python tool for static malware analysis.
WinAppDbg: Code instrumentation scripts in Python under a Windows environment.
PowerSploit: PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework.
MachOView: Visual Mach-O file browser that allows exploring and in-place editing Intel and ARM binaries.
RopShell: Free online Return-Oriented-Programming (ROP) gadgets search.
ROPgadget: Gadgets finder and auto-roper.
Frida: Inject JavaScript code into native apps on Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS.
The-Backdoor-Factory: Patch Win86/64 PE and Linux86/64 binaries with shellcode.
BDFProxy: Patch Binaries via MITM (BackdoorFactory + mitmProxy).
Cuckoo: Open source automated malware analysis system.
Cerbero Profiler: Malware and forensic analysis tool.
CryptoShark: Cross-platform interactive debugger (powered by Frida).
Ropper: ROP gadget and binary information tool.
Snowman: A native code to C/C++ decompiler.
x64dbg: An open-source x64/x32 debugger for Windows.
Concolica: Python concolic execution framework for program analysis.
Memtools Vita: Toolkit to explore PlayStation Vita firmware.
BARF: Multiplatform open source Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework.
rp++: Full-cpp written tool to find ROP sequences in PE/Elf/Mach-O x86/x64/ARM binaries.
Binwalk: Firmware analysis tool.
MPRESS dumper: Unpacking tool for some HackingTeam’s OS X malware.
Xipiter toolkit: Miscellaneous tools for various security tasks.
Sonare: Qt-based disassembly viewer.
PyDA: Python DisAssembler.
Qira: QEMU Interactive Runtime Analyser.
Rekall: Rekall Memory Forensic Framework.
Inficere: MacOSX rootkit (for learning purpose)
Pwntools: CTF framework used by Gallopsled in every CTF.
Bokken: GUI for the Pyew malware analysis tool and Radare reverse engineering framework.
Webkitties: PlayStation Vita Webkit Exploit / Mini SDK and Testing Framework.
Malware_config_parsers: A collection of public malware config parsers.
Nightmare: A distributed fuzzing testing suite with web administration.
Catfish: A tool to ease the process of finding ROP gadgets & creating payloads with them.
JSoS-Module-Dump: PlayStation Vita module dumper.
Vitasploit: PlayStation Vita native exploitation framework.
PowerShellArsenal: A PowerShell Module Dedicated to Reverse Engineering.
PyReil: REIL translation library.
ARMSCGen: Shellcodes for ARM/Thumb mode.
Shwass: Mach-O Executables Analyzer & Disassembler.
Nrop: Automated Return-Oriented Programming Chaining.
lldb-capstone-arm: Disassemble scripts for LLDB (for Arm & Arm64)
Capstone.js: JavaScript wrapper over an Emscripten build of Capstone.
ELF Unstrip Tool: Generate unstripped binary from an ELF strip binary.
Binjitsu: CTF framework and exploit development library.
Rop-tool: A tool to help you writing binary exploits.
JitAsm: JIT Assembler Library for multiple ISAs.
OllyCapstone: A plugin for OllyDbg 1.10 to replace the old disasm engine with Capstone.
PackerId: A fork of with disassembly support.
UEFI_boot_script_expl: CHIPSEC module to exploit UEFI boot script table vulnerability.
Symx: Lightweight Symbolic Execution Engine.
ArmExec: Android native runtime emulator.
Capstone View for IDA: A plugin to use Capstone to display code instead of IDA's own disassembly engine.
Honggfuzz: A general-purpose fuzzer with simple, command-line interface.
Triad decompiler: A tiny, free and open source decompiler that will take ELF files as input and spit out pseudo-C.
SemTrax: Data Tracking for Binary Software.
Senseye: Dynamic Visual Debugging / Reverse Engineering Toolsuite.
Plasma: Reverse engineering tool for x86/ARM. Generates indented pseudo-C with colored syntax code.
Binflow: A fast & multi-thread support tool to trace function calls in ELF binaries.
OpenREIL: Translator and tools for REIL (Reverse Engineering Intermediate Language).
PREF: Portable Reverse Engineering Framework that aims to be the swiss army knife for Reverse Engineering.
Pwnypack: Certified Edible Dinosaurs official CTF toolkit.
GEF: Multi-Architecture GDB Enhanced Features for Exploiters & Reverse-Engineers.
Hopper: A reverse engineering tool to disassemble/decompile/debug Intel Mac, Linux, Windows & iOS executables.
Pysymemu: An Intel 64 symbolic emulator.
Decompiler: A decompiler with multiple backend support, written in Python.
ArkDasm: 64-bit interactive disassembler for Windows.
SM64tools: Collection of tools for manipulating the Super Mario 64 ROM.
ViDi: Visual Disassembler for static analysis of PE files.
Volatility_plugins: A collection of plugins for the Volatility framework.
ThunderGate: An open source toolkit for PCI bus exploration.
Visulator: A machine emulator that visualizes how each instruction is processed.
Psce4all: PlayStation Console Emulators For All.
Pwndbg: A Python plugin of GDB to assist exploit development.
IntelliJ IDEA: A Java IDE.
Binch: A light ELF binary patch tool in python urwid.
Ropchain: X86 systematic ROP payload generation (with API to customize payload).
PyOCD: Python library for programming and debugging ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers using CMSIS-DAP.
Okita: a set of proof-of-concepts to disassemble binaries to assembly.
Angr: A framework for static & dynamic concolic (symbolic) analysis.
Shellyzer-Gui: a GUI application that helps to analyze shellcode.
Xenia: Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project.
CodeReason: Semantic Binary Code Analysis Framework
Haka: a toolsuite to capture TCP/IP packets and filtering them based on Lua policy files.
Gcov: GNU gcov like tool.
Anticuckoo: A tool to detect and crash Cuckoo Sandbox.
EmilPRO: Graphical disassembler for a large number of instruction sets.
NextGen: A Genetic File, Sycall and Network Fuzzer for Unix systems.
Imatinib: Instrumentation tool that uses the only inline patch hooking.
PolyHook: X86/X64 hooking library.
Harpoon: Lightweight runtime hooking library for OS X.
fcd: A LLVM-based native program decompiler
MemoryPatchDetector: Detects code differentials between executables in disk and processes/modules in memory.
Mpesm: Indentify the compiler/packer/cryptor of PE files.
Silicon-disassembler: A high-performance, asynchronous web-component disassembler.
peCloakCapstone: A tool to encoder Windows PE files to bypass AntiVirus detection.
Reko: A multi-architecture decompiler.
Usercon: User-space system emulator.
Lyn: Python binding for GNU lighning.
Edb: A cross platform x86/x86-64 debugger.
Unicorn-decoder: A shellcode decoder that can dump self-modifying-code.
Hekate: Winsock inspection/filtering/modifying.
Capstone.js-bookmarklet: Disassemble from webpage with bookmarklet.
Qiew: Hex/File format viewer.
ProDBG: A debugger supports a variety of targets and operating systems.
Pageant_xkeys: Extract unencrypted SSH keys from Pageant memory dump.
Crumble: A cross-platform commandline tool to disassemble PE files.
Trap-syscalls: Library for in-process tracing and/or hooking of system calls.
Thunderstrike: EFI bootkits for Apple MacBooks.
rr-dataflow: A GDB plugin to trace back to the origin of data in Mozilla's rr.
ropnroll: OSX exploitation helper library.
StfuSIP: System Integrity Protection (SIP) bypass for OSX 10.11.1.
DirectX9Hook: Runtime DirectX9 Hooking.
fREedom: Extracting disassembly information from executables for Binnavi.
Trap-syscalls: Library for in-process tracing/hooking of system calls (on Linux/x86-64)
PyAna: Analyzing Windows shellcode.
CapFunc: IDA Python Script that Disassembles Functions with Capstone.
MyROP: ROP tool for ARM.
hsdecomp: A decompiler for GHC-compiled Haskell.
WWCD: What Would Capstone Decode - IDA plugin implementing a Capstone powered IDA view.
PythonForWindows: codebase to make it easier to work with Windows & native execution.
MacDBG: Simple easy to use C & Python debugging framework for Mac OS X.
VxPwn: A fuzzer for VxWorks.
CHDK: Canon Hack Development Kit.
Triton: Dynamic binary analysis framework.
Shellsploit: New generation exploit development kit.
ADBI: Android Dynamic Binary Instrumentation tool for tracing Android native layer.
Redress-Disassembler: Cross platform binary disassembler written in Java.
TraceGrind: Execution tracing module for Valgrind.
AppleALC: Native OS X HD audio for unofficially-supported codecs.
ArmRoper: ARM ROP chain gaget searcher.
EhTrace: A tool for tracing execution of binaries on Windows.
Ded: MSDOS executable disassembler.
Eli.Decode: Decode obfuscated shellcodes.
Awasm: An AIMGP (Automatic Induction of Machine code by Genetic Programming) engine.
Voltron: A hacky debugger UI for hackers.
fence_counter: QSIM based fence counter. An Exploit Dev Swiss Army Knife.
DdiMon: Monitoring and controlling kernel API calls with stealth breakpoint using EPT.
UniHook: Intercept arbitrary functions at run-time, without knowing their typedefs.
Redream: SEGA Dreamcast emulator.
Erebus: A reverse engineering tool suite for Linux.
Avery: x86-64 kernel in Rust.
Pyflirt: Map file generator for Intel X86 binary based on FLIRT signature.
dispatch: Programmatic disassembly and patching.
cypher: Simple tool to automate adding shellcode to PE files.
Cemu: Cheap EMUlator based on Keystone and Unicorn engines.
ROPMEMU: Analyze ROP-based exploitation.
AssemblyBot: Telegram bot for assembling and disassembling on-the-go.
Demovfuscator: Deobfuscator for movfuscated binaries.
Ropf: Gadget displacement on top of IPR (In-Place Randomization) against Code Reuse Attack.
Cardinal: Similarity Analysis to Defeat Malware Compiler Variations.
dynStruct: Reverse engineering tool for structure recovering and memory usage analysis based on DynamoRIO.
iokit-dumper-arm64: Statically reconstructing the IOKit classes hierarchy from iOS kernelcache dumps.
Spedi: Speculative disassembly, CFG recovery, and call-graph recovery from stripped binaries.
Dash: A simple web based tool for working with assembly language.
Qsim: Full system emulator front-end to a multi-core timing model.
Windows_Debugger: A simple Windows x86-32 debugger.
MongoDB disasm: Interactive Disassembler with GUI (Web-based).
WTFJH: iOS Security Runtime Inspection.
Xenpwn: A toolkit for memory access tracing using hardware-assisted virtualization.
Resonance: A C polymorphic and metamorphic engine.
Rebours: A framework for control-flow recovery in binary programs.
Patchkit: A powerful binary patching toolkit.
CFFCapstone: Assembler extension to CFF Explorer.
FirmInsight: Automatic collect firmwares from internet and extract info.
UniAna: Analysis PE file or Shellcode (Only Windows x86).
pymetamorph: Metamorphic engine in Python for Windows executables.
WCC: The Witchcraft Compiler Collection.
Patcherex: Shellphish's automated patching engine, originally created for the Cyber Grand Challenge.
Cgrex: Targeted patcher for CGC binaries - using in the Cyber Grand Challenge.
C-flat: Control Flow Attestation for Embedded Systems Software.
W-SWFIT: x64 Windows Software Fault Injection Tool.
DynInst Tools: Tools built using Dyninst or Dyninst component libraries.
PeiBackdoor: PEI stage backdoor for UEFI compatible firmware.
CaptainHook: x86/x64 hook environment.
Ropstone: A basic ROP/gadget finder.
Labeless: Labels/Comments synchronization between IDA PRO and debugger backend (OllyDbg, x64dbg).
KlareDbg: Kernel debugger using Timeless Debugging method.
Ponce: IDA Pro-based symbolic execution & taint anlysis engine.
Relyze: Interactive Software Analysis.
Shellsploit-library: Exploit development library for python users.
asm_buddy: Small script to assemble/disassemble from CLI.
Rgat: Instruction trace visualisation tool for dynamic program analysis.
Shellbug: Basic command-line, text-based, shellcode debugger.
Cheat Happens: CoSMOS Memory Scanner and Gamehacking Tool.
SimpleDpack: Windows PE packer.
EasyROP: A Python tool to generate ROP chains.
Nemezisv3: A GUI tool to convert hex-string to assembly and vice versa.
Stoneb0t: IRC bot providing assemble / disassemble for various architectures.
Rop-chainer: Generates return-oriented exploits for ELF binaries.
Wdbdbg: Python WDB RPC monitor for X86 targets on VxWorks 5.x/6.x.
kHypervisor: Light-weight nested Virtual Machine Monitor for Windows x64.
RePEconstruct: Automatically unpacking a Windows binary & rebuild its import address table.
DirEngine: Disassembly Intermediate Representation Engine.
Wag: WebAssembly compiler implemented in Go.
Fuzzemu: Instruction emulator for the Cortex-M3 ARM.
IDASec: IDA plugin for reverse-engineering and dynamic interactions with the Binsec platform.
Satt: Software Analyze Trace using Intel Processor Trace.
PShape: Practical Support for Half-Automated Program Exploitation.
PowerShell Suite: A collection of PowerShell utilities.
Nougat: ART-Extension for Android Nougat.
instruction_set_research: Analyse the instruction set distribution on malicicous PE files.
VulcanoIO: Open Source Cluster IOTs for Reverse Engineering Malware.
Proctal: Manipulates the address space of a running program on Linux.
Lazy Office Analyzer: Analyze Microsoft Office docs.
In addition, Capstone is available in the following Operating System distributions (listed in no particular order)
Gentoo: Gentoo Linux distribution.
Fedora: Fedora Linux distribution.
Arch: Arch Linux distribution.
Ubuntu: Ubuntu Linux distribution.
Debian: Debian Linux distribution.
OpenBSD: Security-oriented, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system.
FreeBSD: Free Unix-like operating system descended from AT&T Unix via BSDS.
NetBSD: Free, fast, secure, and highly portable Unix-like Open Source operating system.
Pentoo: Gentoo-based Linux distribution for pentesters.
Kali Linux: Rebirth BackTrack, the Penetration testing distribution.
BlackArch: Arch-based GNU/Linux distribution for pentesters and security researchers.
NixOS: The Purely Functional Linux Distribution.
ArchAssault : A fully customizable pentest distribution done the Arch Linux way.
DragonFly BSD: Free Unix-like operating system.
NetHunter: Android penetration testing platform for Nexus devices.
Void Linux: A Linux distro based on the xbps packaging system.
REMnux: A Linux Toolkit for Reverse-Engineering and Analyzing Malware.
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