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C++/0x01-design pattern

facade pattern

by SpeeDr00t 2016. 7. 14.

facade pattern


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class MisDepartment
    void submitNetworkRequest()
        _state = 0;
    bool checkOnStatus()
        if (_state == Complete)
          return 1;
        return 0;

    enum States
        Received, DenyAllKnowledge, ReferClientToFacilities,
          FacilitiesHasNotSentPaperwork, ElectricianIsNotDone,
          ElectricianDidItWrong, DispatchTechnician, SignedOff, DoesNotWork,
          FixElectriciansWiring, Complete
    int _state;

class ElectricianUnion
    void submitNetworkRequest()
        _state = 0;
    bool checkOnStatus()
        if (_state == Complete)
          return 1;
        return 0;

    enum States
        Received, RejectTheForm, SizeTheJob, SmokeAndJokeBreak,
          WaitForAuthorization, DoTheWrongJob, BlameTheEngineer, WaitToPunchOut,
          DoHalfAJob, ComplainToEngineer, GetClarification, CompleteTheJob,
          TurnInThePaperwork, Complete
    int _state;

class FacilitiesDepartment

    void submitNetworkRequest()
        _state = 0;
    bool checkOnStatus()
        if (_state == Complete)
          return 1;
        return 0;

    enum States
        Received, AssignToEngineer, EngineerResearches, RequestIsNotPossible,
          EngineerLeavesCompany, AssignToNewEngineer, NewEngineerResearches,
          ReassignEngineer, EngineerReturns, EngineerResearchesAgain,
          EngineerFillsOutPaperWork, Complete
    int _state;

class FacilitiesFacade

        _count = 0;

    void submitNetworkRequest()
        _state = 0;

    bool checkOnStatus()
        /* Job request has just been received */
        if (_state == Received)
            /* Forward the job request to the engineer */
            cout << "submitted to Facilities - " << _count << 
              " phone calls so far" << endl;
        else if (_state == SubmitToEngineer)
            /* If engineer is complete, forward to electrician */
            if (_engineer.checkOnStatus())
                cout << "submitted to Electrician - " << _count << 
                  " phone calls so far" << endl;
        else if (_state == SubmitToElectrician)
            /* If electrician is complete, forward to technician */
            if (_electrician.checkOnStatus())
                cout << "submitted to MIS - " << _count << 
                  " phone calls so far" << endl;
        else if (_state == SubmitToTechnician)
            /* If technician is complete, job is done */
            if (_technician.checkOnStatus())
              return 1;
        /* The job is not entirely complete */
        return 0;
    int getNumberOfCalls()

        return _count;

    enum States
        Received, SubmitToEngineer, SubmitToElectrician, SubmitToTechnician
    int _state;
    int _count;
    FacilitiesDepartment _engineer;
    ElectricianUnion _electrician;
    MisDepartment _technician;

int main()

    FacilitiesFacade facilities;

    /* Keep checking until job is complete */
    while (!facilities.checkOnStatus());
    cout << "job completed after only " << facilities.getNumberOfCalls() << 
    " phone calls" << endl;


g++ -o facade facade.cpp
hacker@HACKER:~/cpp$ ./facade
submitted to Facilities - 1 phone calls so far
submitted to Electrician - 12 phone calls so far
submitted to MIS - 25 phone calls so far
job completed after only 35 phone calls

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