vbs로 만든 shell code를 mfc로 자동 포팅 하기
우리는 종종 word파일 안에 매크로의 shellcode를 보게 됩니다..
그런 shellcode를 자동으로 읽어 와서 mfc 만드는 툴을 만들어 봤습니다...
1. 사용법
2. 파일 기능 설명
* vba_to_cpp.py는 vba로 만든 shellcode를 mfc로 변경 해주는 툴
* vba_shellcode.txt는 vba로 만든 shellcode
3. 실행
4. 실행이 성공하면 vba_shellcode.cpp가 생성된다.
5. 입력할 파일 vba_shellcode.txt
arrShellCode(0) = CLng("&H51EC8B55") arrShellCode(1) = CLng("&H0000E850") arrShellCode(2) = CLng("&H89580000") arrShellCode(3) = CLng("&H8B58FC45") arrShellCode(4) = CLng("&H4D8B0845") arrShellCode(5) = CLng("&H8C8803FC") arrShellCode(6) = CLng("&H8B000001") arrShellCode(7) = CLng("&H928B0855") arrShellCode(8) = CLng("&H00000188")
6. 만든 툴 vba_to_cpp.py
# # black falcon team # vba to mfc # write by jang, kyoung chip # # # import os import sys # Args management import optparse class CVbaToMfc : def __init__(self ,path=None): self.m_path = "" self.filename = "" self.m_data = "" def setPath(self, path ) : self.m_path = path def doReadVba(self) : #self.m_path = "arrShellCode_vba_01.txt" self.f = open( self.m_path, 'r') self.filename = os.path.splitext(self.m_path) print self.filename self.m_data =" #include \"stdafx.h\"" self.m_data +="\r\n #include <stdlib.h>" self.m_data +="\r\n #include <string.h>" self.m_data +="\r\n #include <windows.h>" self.m_data +="\r\n" self.m_data +="\r\n" self.m_data += "char arrShellcode[] = " lines = self.f.readlines() print len(lines) count = 0 for line in lines: count = count + 1 #print "line = " + line line = line.strip() if line and not line.isspace() : split_data01 = line.split('&H') split_data02 = split_data01[1].split('\"') line = split_data02[0] else : continue self.m_data += "\"" for i in range( len(line) -2, -1 , -2 ): self.m_data = self.m_data + "\\x" + line[i:i+2] if count == len(lines) : self.m_data += "\";\r\n" print "a" else : self.m_data += "\"\r\n" self.m_data +="\r\n" self.m_data +="\r\n" self.m_data +="int main(int argc, char* argv[])" self.m_data +="\r\n{" self.m_data +="\r\n int * ret;" self.m_data +="\r\n ret = (int*)&ret+2;" self.m_data +="\r\n *ret = (int)arrShellcode;" self.m_data +="\r\n return 0;" self.m_data +="\r\n}" #print "self.m_data = %s" % self.m_data self.f.close() def doWrite(self) : file = open(self.filename[0]+".cpp","wb") file.write(self.m_data) def doWork( self , path ) : self.setPath(path) self.doReadVba() self.doWrite() if __name__ == "__main__": commandList = optparse.OptionParser('\n\n\ write by BlackFalcon \n\n\ usage: %prog -f filename.txt ') commandList.add_option('-f', '--file', action="store", help="Insert file name, ex: word.vbs", ) options, remainder = commandList.parse_args() # Check args if not options.file: commandList.print_help() sys.exit(1) vba_to_mfc = CVbaToMfc() vba_to_mfc.doWork(options.file)
7. 최종 결과물 vba_shellcode.cpp
#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <windows.h> char arrShellcode[] = "\x55\x8B\xEC\x51" "\x50\xE8\x00\x00" "\x00\x00\x58\x89" "\x45\xFC\x58\x8B" "\x45\x08\x8B\x4D" "\xFC\x03\x88\x8C" "\x01\x00\x00\x8B" "\x55\x08\x8B\x92" "\x88\x01\x00\x00"; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int * ret; ret = (int*)&ret+2; *ret = (int)arrShellcode; return 0; }
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