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전 세계에서 가장 빠른 DES 암호화 크랙 사이트

by SpeeDr00t 2016. 7. 11.

전 세계에서 가장 빠른 DES 암호화 크랙 사이트 - crack.sh 

The World's Fastest DES Cracker

시스템 구성 : Xilinx Virtex-6 LX240T FPGAs 48개
- 각 FPGA 당 초당 16B key/sec로 40 DES cores running 되도록 설계(400MHz fully pipelined)
- 768B keys/sec for the whole system. This means that it can exhaustively search the entire 56-bit DES keyspace in:

256 / 768e9 = ~26 hours

For comparison, the EFF DES Cracker had 29 boards x 64 chips each = 1856 chips total, each chip did around 48M keys/sec for a total system speed of 90B keys/sec and took around 9 days to exhaust the keyspace.

To crack a key in the same amount of time as our system with other modern processors, you would need around:

1) 80,000 CPU cores:~$125k per key(at $0.12 per CPU on EC2)

2) 1,800 GPUs : ~$20k per key(at $2.10 per GPU on EC2)

